Strong Password Requirements
Strong Password Protocol (Password Requirements):
part of increasing cybersecurity and protecting the college’s data, we
will be rolling out new password standards for your EGCC account.
new standards will require to reset your passwords and
comply with the Strong Password Protocol outlined below.
Minimum Password Length: 14 Characters
Cannot use any of the previous 6 Passwords
Password Must Contain:
At Least 1 Uppercase Letters (A through Z)
Lowercase Letters (a through z)
At least 1 Number (0-9)
At least 1 Special Characters: (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)
Cannot contain more than two symbols from the user's account name or display name
Password cannot be any or contain any of the following: |
password gators gateway egcc eastern steubenville youngstown pittsburgh pirates steelers cowboys browns penguins starwars 123456789 qwerty semester | abcd1234 monkey football princess basketball password123 sunshine computer samsung lenovo superman target baseball test welcome hello graduate | status hunter secret freedom internet forever xxxxxxx professor instructor college school spring summer fall winter education |
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