Eastern Gateway Community College Gmail FAQs

Eastern Gateway Community College Gmail FAQs

When will I receive my Gmail account?

You will receive your student email account when your application form has been reviewed and processed.



How do I access my Gmail?

Login to the Gateway Student Portal and click on the Gmail button.

What is my Gmail username and password?

You will use your EGCC Single Sign On Credentials to access your Gmail.

I forgot my password for my email, what should I do?

If "forgot my password" doesn't work, you will have to call the Help Desk at 833-428-6743 for help resetting your password. 


I need to change my password for my email, what should I do?

If "forgot my password" doesn't work, you will have to call the Help Desk at 833-428-6743 for help resetting your password. 


I don't know my username for my Gmail, what should I do?

Call 800-682-6553 and choose the option to speak with Technology Services.


How long will my email account be active after graduation?



What is the email quota?

There is no email limit with our Gmail education version.


What is the file size limit for sending attachments?



Is there an enterprise level spam filter?

Gmail does have their own spam filter.


What email client software is supported by the email system?

Chrome is the preferred web browser for Gmail.


How do I block spam / junk email?

Once you mark a certain email is spam, it will start blocking email from that user.


How do I set up my email on my computer?

Gmail is accessed via a web browser and can be accessed anywhere you can get to the internet.

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