Downloading files from OneDrive:
1. Open your OneDrive and select the files/folders that you want to download.
a. To download only some files or folders, click the circle checkbox next to the items that you want to download.
b. To download all files, press CTRL+A or click on the circle in the first row.
c. Go up or back one level as needed to download the entire folder instead of its individual content.
2. After selecting the files/folder, click on Download.
Notes: The Download button appears only after at least one file or folder is selected.
The Download button might disappear if you refresh the web page when selecting files/folders. As a workaround, you could close the tab in your browser and look for the required folder again, or go up one level in the folder directory and come back.
3. If your browser prompts you, select the Save or Save As option and choose the location for the download. You can select the location where you want the content to be saved. Some browsers, however, save the content directly to the Downloads folder on your computer.